Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport has published its API platform offering access to non-critical business data for developers from airlines and other travel companies. The airport hopes that developers will use API […]
Ultraviolet shoe scanner set for Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is set to use new ultraviolet scanners that will eliminate the need for passengers to remove their shoes for security checks. […]
Schiphol Airport has started a test with KLM involving “biometric boarding”, one-off boarding without showing your boarding pass or passport. Passengers board the aircraft quickly and easily using a […]
Conference : 31th October-2nd November 2016 SCHIPHOL – Schiphol organiseert dit jaar ter gelegenheid van het honderdjarig bestaan van de luchthaven het ‘Airports Going Green congres 2016’. SCHIPHOL – Schiphol […]
1. The ‘Happy Flow’ biometric passenger token project is launched at Aruba Airport – 2. Schiphol switches to central security 3. Iberia, Aena and Siemens partner on new check-in and bag drop solution […]